Amore, Amour, любовь, die Liebe, 喜爱, 愛, meilė, kærlighed,zamiłowanie, 애정, dragoste, حُب, ást, mīlestība, kärlek


Have you ever felt that certain feeling? The one that makes me feel so alive, and yet make you want to tear your heart out. The confusion, the sadness, gleeful moments, heart-splitting craziness…..

Someone is likely to explode with all of these feelings!

Yes my friends, I am talking about Love.

Seeing that Valentine’s Day is coming up, I would like to share this feeling with you. This tricky little devil can be amazing at one moment and a complete disaster the next.

The definition of love had a few versions:

-a profoundly tender passionate affection for another person

-a sexual passion or desire

-a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection

Is love a concept, feeling or action?

How do we find ourselves in love? What makes it so great?

Here’s a look on the Victorian Era of Valentine’s Day:

Credit to:

“Valentine’s Day reached its height of celebration in the Victorian Era.

Valentine cards were more cherished that Christmas cards (which weren’t printed commercially until 1846), perhaps because of the sentimentality attached to them.  Due to this popularity, designing cards became a highly competitive market, with a vast array of motifs and verses.  Suddenly, cards were being produced in tens of thousands, from whimsy and slightly vulgar, to truly sentimental, their designs included lace paper, embossed envelopes, glass or metal mirrors, ribbons, dried ferns and fake advertisements, bank notes and marriage licenses.

Valentine cards were so popular that their production became a flourishing trade amongst cheapjack printers in central London.  Commercially printed valentine cards quickly superseded home-made offerings of earlier times.  They reached the height of their popularity during the 1870s and 80s.  Yet even though they were mass-produced, they still featured birds with real feathers, posies of dried flowers and spun-glass hearts, all trimmed with ribbons and gold lace.

Some valentines were so thick with embellishments, they came in presentation boxes. Some unfolded like fans, while mechanical valentines had levers or disks which made figures dance, hands move and birds flutter their wings.

The lyrics in these cards were as effusive as the decorations.  Whether sent by a steady beau or a secret admirer, these cards were unabashedly sentimental, pleading for affection and pledging undying devotion happily ever after.  Even men kept these tokens of affection hidden in their bureau drawers.

But as times changed, so did customs.  And as less became more on the advent of World War I, valentine cards became a dying art.”

I could talk about Love all day long. It’s a feeling that can be shared, touched, cherished…the list can go on and on. Whether you prefer to share it with the whole world or keep it between a few significant others, Love is a feeling we can all relate to.

Poems, Songs, Verses, Plays, Movies, Memories…. you can find millions about the feeling of Love. There are all sorts of Love: Forbidden Love, Dying Love, Ever-lasting Love, Romantic Love, Puppy Love, Tough Love. Again, the list can go on and on.

Let’s remember what Love is like. Not just on Valentine’s Day, but every day! Show your friends and family how much you care for them~

Some Vintage Valentine Cards

~♥ ♥ ♥ GRAND OPENING♥ ♥ ♥ ~ JANUARY 31st, 2010
***The first 20 Customers will get 15% off + a lucky pack full of goodies~

***In February, Valentine-themed tissue paper can be shipped with your item(s). The tissue paper comes in red and white.

***I am currently accepting requests. Many of my designs are available in different colors. Please PM me~

~Sweet Dream Kingdom~

Please have a look around! I am still adding more items so I will keep you updated!

(1) HNと生年月日、出身を教えて下さい。(Screen-

name and DOB, please tell me these~.) strawberrysweetdream and 06-24-1990

(2) 身長・体重・服のサイズ・靴のサイズは? (height, weight, clothing size and shoe size) 5’6″, 135, 8.5!

(3) ロリィタファッションをするようになったキッカケは? (why did you start to dress lolita?) I was 16 and I saw the most gorgeous dress from BTSSB and that’s when I fell in love ♥

(4) 好きなロリィタのジャンルは? (which style of lolita do you like) Well, I must say, I do love my pirate lolita. I also love classical with a hint of sweet

(5) 上記に対する拘りや、自分なりの定義などあれば、教えて下さい。(express in your own words, the ideal your above answer) huh?

(6) ピアスは開けていますか? また、いくつあいてますか? (Do you have piercings? Where?) I have my ears pierced, but I don’t wear earrings much. 😦 I should though!

(7) 好きなブランドは?(Which brands do you like?) BTSSB, AntP, and Emily Temple Cute

(8) アナタの一番お気に入りのお洋服はどんな服ですか?(Which are your favourite clothes you wear?) I love my AntP JSK, I only wear it for special occasions. I also love my handmade green skirt ♥ It has cream roses on the print

(9) ロリィタ友達は何人くらい居ますか?(how many lolita friends do you have?) Alot! It’s nice to have local loli friends~

(10) ロリィタをした上での一番良かったことは?(What do you love most about lolita?) How romantic it can look!

(11) 逆に一番一番嫌なことは?(What do you hate about it? Pet peeves??) It makes me so angry when someone tells me that Lolita is a immature and crazy

(12) 愛読雑誌は?(Magazine you read?)Alice Deco, GLB, Vouge

(13) ヘッドドレス派? ボンネット派? リボン派?(Headdresses, bonnets or ribbons/katsushya?) I love headdresses, ribbons, and bows! I have YET to try a Bonnet, they are so cute ♥

(14) ドロワーズは穿いていますか?(Yes to Drawers/Bloomers?) I love bloomers, they are so comfortable. I wear them because they are cute~

(15) ヘッドドレスは前で結ぶ派? 後ろで結ぶ派?(do you tie headdresses at the front or at the back?) Either

(16) 好きな音楽のジャンル・バンドなどはありますか?(Who is your favourite band/type of music?) Visual kei, Classical, Dance (Cyber)

(17) 携帯の着メロは何ですか?(What is your phone ring tone~?) Titanic theme song… 😛

(18) ライヴにはロリィタで行きますか?(Do you go to concerts in lolita?) Well, unless you count the mini concert at the BABY Opening? ^_^

(19) ライヴに行く方はライヴ中にヘドバンしますか?(For people who attend concerts: Do you headbang there?) If the music is appropriate, then yes

(20) 何色が好きですか?(What colours do you like?) Royal Purple, Mint green, and Ocean Blue

(21) 趣味は何ですか?(What are your hobbies?) Sewing, art, and baking

(22) 愛用の香水があれば、教えて下さい。(If you have any favourite perfumes, please tell us.) Juicy Couture

(23) ロリィタする上での「コレだけは気をつけている」ということはありますか?(Is there anything you are careful of in lolita?) I try so hard to not spill anything on my clothes ^_^;;; I also like to work on my manners

(24) 主によく出没する所は何処ですか?(Do you have any favourite haunts to go to in lolita?) I like to go to Empire Mine, it’s not haunted though…

(25) 週に何回くらいロリィタですか?(how many times a week do you dress lolita?) My mood changes, sometimes I wear it every day. Sometimes I like to take a break.

(26) ロリィタ初心者時に仕出かした恥ずかしいエピソードを教えて下さい。(Please tell us an embarrassing story when you were a beginner in lolita.) I fell on my butt and my skirt ripped 😦

(27) アナタの今の髪型と色は?(Your current hairstyle and colour.) Messy A-line (Needs a trim), dyed purple

(28) ロリィタ歴はどのくらい?(What is your lolita history?) Well, I’ve known about lolita since 2004. I didn’t start dressing in lolita until 2006 for some reason. I’ve been loving it more each day~ ♥

(29) 専用の衣装収納場所がありますか?(Do you store your clothes in a special place?) I usually keep it in my drawers. I have my AntP JSK out, it’s hanging on my wall (covered with a clear plastic bag).

(30) 今までロリィタを止めようと思ったことはありますか? また、その理由は?(Did you ever think about stopping Lolita? What was the reason?) rude people, money

(31) あなたのモットーは?(What is your motto?)

  • Love and Be loved ♥

    (31) 将来の夢は?(Your dreams of the Future?) Start my own brand, married, make lolita clothes for my children ^_^

    (33) この人は絶対ロリィタ似合う! と思う有名人の方はいますか?(“This person is so perfect for lolita!” – Do you ever think that about certain celebraties?) No not really ^__^;;;

    (34) 一番思い出の詰まったお品とその思い出を教えて下さい。(Any products/items you have with a fond memory?) I L♥VE my lolita accessories, especially my vintage brooches

    (35) 一番最初に手に入れたお品は?(What was your first item?) A red plaid dress

    (36) 写真を撮る時の決めポーズはありますか?(Have you got a pose for photos?) At the BABY Opening in SF

    (37) アナタの心のバイブルを教えて下さい。(本・雑誌・CDなど何でも)(What is your heart’s bible? [book/magazine/CD/etc]) GLB, MALICE MIZER and VERSAILLES, my sketchbook

    (38) 一番高い踵の靴は何cmありますか?(what is the best cm for heels?) 3-5

    (39) ティアラはつけたことがありますか?(Do you wear tiaras?) Not yet ♥ I’ve been wanting to make one

(40) たまには王子をやってみたいと思いますか? また、どんな王子? 暗黒系? 白馬系?(Do you think you want to try prince style? What kind of prince? Ankoku-kei [Gothic/dark prince]? Or “prince on a white horse” style?) I’ve tried Dandy/ Kodona look. So I will some day try Prince ♥

  • (41) レースはどんな種類が好きですか?(What types of lace do you like?) Anything with a motif (like hearts or ribbons). I also love really fancy ribbons~
  • (42) お人形さんを所有していますか? 持っている方はその子に対する思いを熱くどうぞ!(Do you own a doll? Does it give you fun, childish feelings?) No, But I do own a lot of stuffed animals(43) ロリィタ時の鞄の中身は?(What is in your lolita bag?) Glitter, my sketchbook, candy

    (44) 好きな花は何ですか?(What is your favourite flower?) Jasmine

    (45) 今、一番のお気に入りアクセサリーはどんなもの?(Right now, what is your favourite accessory?) My kitty hair clips

    (46) お気に入り・お勧めの化粧品を教えて下さい。(Please reccommend us some cosmetics.) Cinnamon lip gloss

    (47) パッチリお目目はお人形さんの証! ということでつけまつ毛は使っていますか?(With Eye-tape your eyes look like a Doll’s! What eyelashes will you wear?) Natural!

    (48) アイメイクの拘りをどうぞ。(Your eyemakeup for these eyelashes?) Maybe ^_^

    (49) 口紅は赤? 青? 黒? ピンク?(Red Lipstick? Blue? Black? Pink?) Pink!

    (50) マニキュアは何色を使うことが多いですか? (Or which nail polish do you choose normally?) Purple or Red

    (51) 駅のトイレでコッソリ着替えたことありますか?(Have you ever changed in a train station bathroom?) Nope

    (52) 双子ロリ、三つ子ロリしたことありますか? 感想は?(What do you think of ‘twinning’ and ‘triplet’ lolitas?) Yes~♥ I really want to twin with my friend Kristen

    (53) 体型をキープ(もしくはダイエット)するためにどんなことをしていますか? お勧めは?(How do you keep in shape for lolita? Reccommend us something.)  Drink lots of tea and water~ Stretching helps too

    (54) 独りでロリィタは平気ですか?(Do you keep calm when by yourself in Lolita?) Yes, I am usually listening to music to help me stay calm

    (55) 月々にかかるお洋服・小物代はどれくらいですか?(How much do you spend per month on clothes/accessories?) …~ $20 (I love to shop in thrift stores!)

    (56) ロリィタファッションを知ってから、実際にするまでのタイムラグ・抵抗はありましたか?(Was there a time lag between you knowing about Lolita and dressing?) Yes, it took me forever to finally dress in lolita

    (57) 今まで買った中で一番高い物は?(ロリィタ関係で)(What is your most expensive Lolita item?) My AntP JSK was $210 and I love every bit of it ♥

  • (58) ロリィタって本当にお金かかりますよね。ロリィタ費用をどうやって捻出していますか?(It takes a lot of money to do Lolita. How do you save?) I like to put money away and forget about it

    (59) ココだけでコッソリ。今までかけた総費用は大体いくら?(Just a little secret here…How much have you spent so far on Lolita, roughly?) Meh….. about ~$1000 in the last 4 years

    (60) 近くに出来て欲しいお店はありますか?(Is there a Brand you want near where you live?) BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT

    (61) ココだけの話、あそこはボッタクリやろ! と思う店はありますか?(“Man, what a rip-off!!” Have you ever thought that about a store?) Yes! Baby’s shoes are like $90 (;-;)

    (62) ネットショップは利用したことがありますか? ある方はその良い点・悪い点など、これからの方への助言をお願いします。(Do you shop online? If so, put the good & bad points here to advise others.) I do, but only with well known shops

    (63) ちょっと秘密にしときたいけれど、私だけにコッソリな個人 製作サイトさんを教えて下さい。(You can say if you want, but is there a Secret person/shop that you have ordered a dress solely for you from? [I guess commissioned/replicated]) Nope not yet

    (64) 絶対に手が届かない〜! でも、滅茶苦茶欲しい! あのブランドのあの商品ありますか?(“I can never have that/see that happening!! But I will always want it!!” Is there a brand you think this of?) ♥ Mary Magdalene

    (65) 飽きちゃったお洋服はどうしますか?(What do you do with the clothes you don’t want anymore?) Sell!

    (66) 一番最近に買ったアイテムは?(ロリィタ以外でも)(What is your most recent purchase? [Even non-lolita]) My red cardigan for Valentine’s Day

    (67) もう二度と手に入らないだろうけれど、忘れられないものはありますか?(Is there an item which you love that you can’t buy/seem to find?) Yes, Bonnets! And a nice blouse!

    (68) ライヴなどの時だけロリィタの格好をすることをどう思いますか?(What do you think of people who only wear lolita to concerts?) Don’t really care

    (69) すっぴんロリィタさんをどう思いますか?(what do you think of lolitas without makeup?) Make-up or no make-up everyone looks beautiful~

    (70) アナタとまるっきり同じ格好のロリィタさんが! どうします?(Another lolita is wearing the same coordinate/clothes as you!! What do you do?) I love it, it’s nice to find someone with the same dress, print

    (71) ロリィタは何歳から何歳まで許されますか?(What age should you stop Lolita?) Never ♥

    (72) どういう状態になったら、ロリィタは卒業すべきと考えますか?(ずっと続けて良いも、アリです)(When do you think you should graduate from Lolita? And why?) I don’t think I could

    (73) コレだけは止めてくれ! というロリィタファッション上の注意はありますか?(“You should stop that!!!>_<;” What must you not do when dressing lolita?) Swearing, cussing…it’s really embarrassing ^__^;;;

    (74) ロリィタとはこうあるべき! というような考えはありますか?(A lolita should be ‘this’! What do you think that should be?) Yourself ♥

    (75) 73以外で、ロリィタさんにコレはして欲しくない! ということがあったら、どうぞ。(Excluding #73, is there anything you should deffinately not do in lolita?) Fighting

    (76) 男の方のロリィタファッションについてどう思いますか?(What do you think of men in Lolita?) Do you mean dandy/kodona? or frilly dresses? I think it’s nice to see a man in a frilly dress.

    (77) ロリィタをして、それ以前から何か変わりました?(Did you change yourself for dressing lolita?) I educated myself in manners ^_^;;

    (78) 周囲の人はアナタがロリィタをすることについて何と言って いますか? 受け入れてくれてますか?(What does your family and surrounding people think of you dressing lolita? And do you accept it?) They hate it, but I dont care!

    (79) 真夏の暑い祭にアナタはどんなロリィタファッションをしますか?(How do you dress Lolita in the boiling mid-summer?) A simple JSK with no blouse. I also love sandals!

    (80) 学校・職場などにロリィタで行っていますか?(have you gone to School or Work in lolita?) Yes! I love it~

    (81) 普段の服装の系統は?(How do you dress normally?) artsy geek ^_^

    (82) 中古品に対する抵抗はありますか?(Do you think twice about buying second-hand clothes?) No!

    (83) 彼(or 夫)はいますか? また、理解はありますか? (Do you have a boyfriend? [or husband?] Does he understand Lolita?) It’s complicated (;-;) But yes, they even dress in Kodona! ♥

    (84) 理想の男性像を教えて下さい。(Please tell us your ideal man.) Someone who is romantic and not afraid to dress in kodona ^_^

    (85) 今まであった中で一番印象に残ってるロリィタさんはどんな人?(What Lolita has left a big, shiny impression on you so far?) Kristen~ ♥

    (86) 自分で服を作ったことがありますか? それはどんな服?(Have you made your own clothes? What are they like?) Yes, just a skirt so far. I want to make more! ♥

    (87) 自分で小物を作ったことがありますか? 何を作りましたか?(Have you made your own accessories? What did you make?) Yes! Bows, hats, jewelry

    (88) 今まででの自作アイテムでコレは大成功! というものはありますか?(The best item you have made! What is it?) My green skirt ♥ and my stuffed deer

    (89) 理想のロリィタ服やコーディネートがあれば、語って下さい。(Please say your most perfect Lolita coordination you wear.) A blue JSK with white lace. I will have to draw it out!

    (90) 憧れの方はいますか? どんな人ですか?(Do you admire someone? What are they like?) I admire alot of people!

    (91) 1日大好きなあの人とデートが出来ることになりました。相 手も自分の好きな格好をして来てくれます。(One day I will go on a date with that person. What would you like to wear for him?) Casual ^_^ I don’t want to scare them

    (92) アナタが将来お店を開くとしたら、どんなお店を持ちたいですか?(If you want one, what type of store would you open in the future?) My own brand with Sweets Deco ♥

    (93) ついついコレに目が行っちゃうのよね〜。というモチーフはありますか?(Your eyes get attracted inadvertantly to something. What is this motif?) Bunnies, strawberries, pearls

    (94) 自分の子供もロリィタにしたいと思いますか?(Would you dress your child in Lolita?) Yes, it’s always fun to play dress up!

    (95) 一着のロリ服にいくらまでかけられますか?(How much do you spend on one outfit?) 200~300

    (96) これぞロリィタ! という仕種があれば、教えて下さい。(“This is Lolita!!” Please say what you would say this about.) Cute outfits~ ♥ something that mirrors yourself

    (97) 一度でいいから着てみたい! ロリィタ以外でそんな格好ありますか?(“I have always wanted to try that once!” What, in the Lolita world, have you wanted to try wearing?) I would really try Aristocrat lolita or really gothic ^_^

    (98) 自分のロリィタを見て、一言で表すとしたらどんな言葉だと思いますか?(Look at you in Lolita. In one word/phrase, how would you express your style/image?) Artsy

    (99) アナタの理想のロリィタ像とは?(What is your ideal of Lolita?) Loving and Romantic

    (100) 大変お疲れ様でした! 100答えてみての感想をどうぞ! (Thank you for taking this Baton!! Please state your thoughts on it!) ♥ I think that I know myself a little better

It’s always very nice to see other lolitas blogging ♥ One of my favorite lolita bloggers is Lolita Charm. (

I found this entry in her blog ♥ It’s quite fun and addicting~

Ever met another lolita who seems to know it all? Fabulous hair, mincing steps, and some sort of savoir-faire that you’re missing? Ever wanted to know how to ‘level up’? You’re not the only one. How do you jump from ita to lolita extraordinare? Well, you use this handy level-counter of course!

***Each criteria is a level. Add up your total and then put yourself into a category. Repost this to your own blog, website, or journal, bolding the ones that apply to you, and then show your score/level at the bottom. The only rule is that you must add one lolita ‘level’ to the list!

*please note that this post is tagged as humor. satire only, dolls!


You’ve been to egl.
You’ve posted on egl, without an onslaught of ‘USE THE MEMORIES’ and likewise.
You’ve bought a lolita mook.
You’ve picked a favorite brand.

You’ve ordered your first item.
You’ve worn a full outfit.
You’ve worn a full outfit out in public.
You’ve worn a full outfit and posted photos of it on the Internet.
You know what JSK, OP, and cutsew all mean.
You’ve bought your first brand piece.
You know your measurements.
You know you shoe size – in American, European, and Japanese.
You know who Mr. Yan is.
You know who Mana is. (+1 points if you know his band. +2 points if you know his brand. +3 points if you know why he’s featured in every GLB. +4 if you have a shrine to him in your closet.)
You know who Maki and Asuka are.
(+2 if you’ve met Maki and Asuka).
You’ve watched Kamikaze Girls. (+1 if you know the real name of this movie. +2 if you know who wrote the book this was based on. +3 if you’ve also read the manga or novel. +4 if you love the author despite his criminal record).
You own a wig. (+1 if you own more than 2.)
You own a pair of falls.
You can identify lace on the spot.
You can identify an item’s brand on the spot.
You can identify the year a dress was made by a specific brand on the spot.
You can name several different dresses or prints.
You answer stock photo requests.
You mod a lolita community.
You decorate your nails. (+1 if you wear fake nails. +2 if you make fake nails.)
You own a pair of a rocking horse shoes. (+1 if you know their abbreviation.)
You’ve made your own rose corsage.
You’ve made anything out of your brand dress’s waist ties.
You’ve made anything out of a matching eco tote. (+3 if you were the first one to do it, you think).
You know how to apply false eyelashes.
You know how to pronounce shirring.
You know how to pronounce Moi-meme-moitie, or Metamorphose tempes de fille.
You know a reliable shopping service.

You bid on Yahoo!Japan or Mbok.
You’ve been to a meetup.
You’ve planned a meetup.
You’ve planned a meetup with catering or more than 20 attendees.
You’ve met up with lolitas while on vacation to foreign or faraway locales.
You’ve seen a lolita fashion show.
You’ve seen a brand fashion show.

You’ve modeled in a lolita fashion show.
You’ve modeled in a brand lolita fashion show.
You wear bloomers.
You know how to make bloomers.
You tell other people to wear bloomers.

You draw lolita art, write a lolita blog, or provide the community with some sort of creative services.
You’ve taken purikura in lolita.
You’ve decorated your room/house/apartment in lolita style.
You’ve listened to lolita music.
You’ve learned kana.

You’ve learned enough Japanese to read a magazine.
You wear or own circle lenses.
You’ve been called a princess by a young child.
You’ve dressed up a friend.
You’ve convert a friend.
You’ve been in media (television, newspaper, magazine). (+2 points if it’s Japanese media.)
You’ve learned a handicraft, like jewelry making, embroidery, or sewing.
You’ve become a lolita mentor.
You’ve attended lolita events at an anime or multi-genre convention.
You’ve organized or presented lolita events at a convention.
You’ve visited a brand shop.
Trip to Japan!
You’ve dressed up and gone out alone.
You’re prepared for inclement or colder weather in lolita (coat, parasol, boots, gloves, other climate-specific items.)

You’ve learned face contouring.
You’ve made a lolita valentine.
You’ve got a lolita pen pal or online lolita friends.
You have local lolita friends.

You know how to modify clothes that don’t fit you.
You know how to dress for your body type.
You’ve been in a street snap.
You’ve been to multiple world locations of the same brand store (BABY Paris, BABY Tokyo, BABY San Francisco, etc.)
You’ve created a makeup/hair/sewing tutorial.
You’ve sold hand-created lolita goods.

You have your own lolita fashion line.
You’ve gotten a lolita haircut, style, or color.
You’ve mixed other street fashions with lolita.

You’ve thrown a lolita party/had a lolita wedding.
You’ve dressed your child/small children in lolita or kodona style.
You’ve successfully cross-dressed in lolita style at least once (boystyle for girls and girls’ clothing for guys).
You’ve lolified or made sure all the contents of your purse are cute (wallet, lipgloss, keyring, etc.)
You have a lolita pet (small dogs, cats, rabbits, exotic birds, fancy fish) or have dressed/accessorized your pet (bows or pet clothes).
You’ve dressed your significant other or dated someone who dresses in J-fashion/alternative fashion.
You’ve read Alice in Wonderland. (+1 if you’ve seen the animated movie or other variations, +2 if you’ve seen more than one variation,
+3 if you own more than one variation)
You’ve dressed as Alice or another Wonderland character in lolita style, or own Alice themed items.
You’ve made something from a Japanese pattern.
You’ve found, bought, or made lolita underwear (bras and panties).
You wear lolita daily, or have gone 7 days straight wearing only lolita.
You have lolita calling cards or business cards.

You play a lolita instrument (i.e., piano, violin, harp, French horn… well any instrument really.)
You can translate yen to your country’s currency in your head. (+1 if you can convert other currencies you shop with as well. +2 if you read the news to know how the yen is doing.)
You’ve sold lolita clothing online (secondhand, egl_comm_sales).
Your article or entry has been put into the egl memories.
You take photos of your outfits/daily outfit photos.
You’ve posted to daily_lolita.
You own a petticoat. (+1 if you own more than one. +2 if you wear three or more at a time).

You’ve bought a lucky pack.
You keep a style diary or look-book.
You can put together an outfit made entirely from offbrand.
You’ve bought offbrand or non-Japanese brand.

Adorable Admirer (lvls 1 – 20) You’ve started studying or liking lolita but haven’t taken that leap of faith yet. Good luck!

Resplendant Rufflebutt (lvls 21 – 40) At home within the land of the rufflebutts and spilling frills from every edge.

Victorian Maiden (lvls 41 – 60) A classy lolita of taste and experience, who knows her way around the lolita social set.

Starry Celebrity (lvls 61 – 80) On page six of the lolita world, you’ve risen to the ring of the upper crust.

Pretty Princess (lvls 81 – 100) Lolita royalty, truly versed in the ways of the lacey ones, the lolita princesses have achieved a special level of enlightenment.

Ultimate Lolita (Boss Fight!) (lvls 100+) Wow, you’ve gotten over 100 levels? You’re the ultimate lolita with unlimited hitpoints. That’s actually a little scary… Ever met another lolita who seems to know it all? Fabulous hair, mincing steps, and some sort of savoir-faire that you’re missing? Ever wanted to know how to ‘level up’? You’re not the only one. How do you jump from ita to lolita extraordinare? Well, you use this handy level-counter of course!

In case you are wondering, I am Pretty Princess: score of 94 (lvls 81 – 100) ♥

Day 11: Holiday treats #2

Peppermint Fudge Recipe:

1/4 cup of Margarine
1/2 cup of sour cream
2 cups of sugar

***put in sauce pan and bring it to rolling boil 234 degrees

12 oz. of white chocolate
1 – 7 oz. marshmallow
1/2 cup of crushed peppermint candy cane
1/2 tsp. of peppermint extract

***mix into sauce pan, spread it out and let it set

Day 12: A secret Surprise ❤

New Year’s Meme


1. What did you do in 2009 that you’d never done before?
Host my first Lolita meet-up in April ♥

2. Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I honestly don’t even remember what I said I’d do.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Hmm… not really close, but my co-worker gave birth on the 14th of december 😀 Autumn Deshazer.

4. Did anyone close to you die?
My great-grandmother MeaMa, and Jasmine You from Versailles

5. What travels did you embark on this year?
I went to San Francisco for the Grand Opening of Baby, The Stars Shine Bright

6. What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?
I wanted to travel more! (^__^)

7. What date from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?

There are so many :O When I visited my great grandmother in the hospital. I also remember ice skating in my lolita outfit. Meeting Misako-san at the BABY Opening.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Keeping a job for more than a year.

9. What was your biggest failure?
Not keeping myself happy above all else.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
I had mono for 2 weeks :< That was really horrible!

11. What was the best thing you bought?
My Alice and the Pirates JSK ♥ and GLB’s

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Hmm I dont have an answer for this one.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?

I am not sure with this one either (;_;)

14. Where did most of your money go?
Art supplies XD

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
My trip to SF, the BABY Opening ♥

16. What song will always remind you of 2009?

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:

i. happier or sadder? Sadder (;_;) But this was towards the end of the year

ii. thinner or fatter? I’m always ALWAYS the same.

iii. richer or poorer? Richer, I wasn’t making very much this time last year.

18. What do you wish you’d done more of?

More art and lolita-related projects

19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Being lazy (;-;)

20. How will you be spending Christmas?
I spent Christmas with family and Aria ♥

22. Did you fall in love in 2009?
I’ve been in love for the past 4 years ♥ My love keeps growing everyday

23. How many one-night stands?
NONE! I would NEVER do that

24. What was your favorite TV program?
I don’t have a tv 😛 I usually get netflix

25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
I am not sure

26. What was the best book you read?
“Royal Escape”- Georgette Heyer

27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Nega, Aicle, Eve Of Destiny <- Visual Kei artists

28. What did you want and get?
I wanted a bugs life on DVD, and got it 😀

29. What did you want and not get?
An mp3 player or ipod (I had an ipod, but someone stole it!) (;-;)

30. What was your favorite film of this year?
X-men Origins: Wolverine or Coraline

31. What did you do on your birthday?
I worked… (;-;) But after that I got to see Aria ♥

32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Being with Aria ♥

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2009?
I should take more care of myself 😀 I have been really girly this year and I really like it ♥ It’s really opposite to what I use to be

34. What kept you sane?
Lolita fashion, Aria ♥ My art and poetry

35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Vivienne Westwood

36. What political issue stirred you the most?
States banning gay marriage :-<

37. Who did you miss?
My great-grandmother, MeaMa

38. Who was the best new person you met?
I haven’t really met anyone new (;-;)

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009.
Take care of yourself before anyone else.

40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
“No matter how high the wall, we crossed over it
Why are you not here anymore? I want to see you…”- Versailles (From Serenade)

What Is Your Resolution For 2010?
In 2010, I’m going to keep myself happy and healthy. I would like to start my shop on etsy and have my own lolita brand ♥

Day 10: Christmas Cards

The sending of greeting cards at Christmas began in the Victorian era. Although wood engravers produced prints with religious themes in the European Middle Ages, the first commercial Christmas and New Year’s card is believed to have been designed and printed in London, England in 1843.

First Christmas Card

In 1843 an edition of 1,000 of these Christmas cards was placed on sale in London. They were printed in lithography by Jobbins of Warwick Court, Holborn, London, and hand-colored by a professional “colourer” named Mason.
John Callcott Horsley (born 1817– died 1903), a British narrative painter and a Royal Academician, designed the very first Christmas and New Year’s card at the request of his friend Sir Henry Cole (the first director of the Victoria and Albert Museum). Cole suggested the idea of a specially designed form of greeting to send to friends at Christmas. In 1843 an edition of 1,000 of these Christmas cards were printed and placed on sale in London. They were printed in lithography by Jobbins of Warwick Court, Holborn, London, and hand-colored by a professional “colourer” named Mason. The cards were published under Sir Henry Cole’s nom de guerre, “Felix Summerly”—by his friend Joseph Cundall, of New Bond Street.
The Christmas card was lithographed on stiff cardboard, 5 1/8 by 3 1/4 inches, in dark sepia, with a design of a trellis of rustic-work, in the Germanesque style, divided into a center and two side panels. In the panels were figures representing two of the acts of charity, “feeding the hungry” and “clothing the naked.” In the center is a picture of a merry family party, including three generations, grandparents to grandchildren, quaffing draughts of wine. Below is the greeting, “A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to You.” The card is marked: “Published at Summerly’s Home Treasury Office, 12 Old Bond Street, London.” The price was $1. each.
That was the beginning. The following year there were other picture-makers, and the Christmas card was launched on the tide of popular favor; but it was not until the idea had grown out of favor among artistic and literary circles that it was taken up by a business man, Goodall. Charles Goodall & Son, a British publisher of visiting cards was one of the first to mass produce Christmas cards and visiting cards. In 1866 Mr. Josiah Goodall commissioned Messrs. Marcus Ward & Co., of Belfast, to lithograph, for his firm, a set of four designs by C. H. Bennett, and in the following year another set by the same artist. These, together with Luke Limner’s border design of holly, mistletoe, and robins, may be taken as the forerunners of today’s Christmas card.
The Christmas card publishing industry created unheard of opportunities for artists, writers, printers, and engravers. In 1880 the Christmas card had a new birth, for it was then that a great London firm offered five hundred guineas in prizes for the most artistic designs. Many of the great artists of the day responded with their best ideas. Kate Greenaway, Walter Crane, and Thomas Crane were among the many 19th century artists famous for their greeting card designs. In addition, literary writers saw the opportunity; they gave to the beauty of the painting the music of their words. Many well-known writers were not above this profitable work of creating greeting cards. Thousands of pounds were spent in finding the right poems and suitable Christmas sentiments, until at last these Yuletide offerings reached the climax of their literary and artistic excellence.
An original copy of Horsley’s Christmas card is considered very rare. The Christmas card publishers, Messrs De La Rue, reproduced the original design by chromolithography in 1881; and then copies of this reprint were issued in 1955 and can still be found today.

The sending of greeting cards at Christmas began in the Victorian era. Although wood engravers produced prints with religious themes in the European Middle Ages, the first commercial Christmas and New Year’s card is believed to have been designed and printed in London, England in 1843.
In 1843 an edition of 1,000 of these Christmas cards was placed on sale in London. They were printed in lithography by Jobbins of Warwick Court, Holborn, London, and hand-colored by a professional “colourer” named Mason. John Callcott Horsley (born 1817– died 1903), a British narrative painter and a Royal Academician, designed the very first Christmas and New Year’s card at the request of his friend Sir Henry Cole (the first director of the Victoria and Albert Museum). Cole suggested the idea of a specially designed form of greeting to send to friends at Christmas. In 1843 an edition of 1,000 of these Christmas cards were printed and placed on sale in London. They were printed in lithography by Jobbins of Warwick Court, Holborn, London, and hand-colored by a professional “colourer” named Mason. The cards were published under Sir Henry Cole’s nom de guerre, “Felix Summerly”—by his friend Joseph Cundall, of New Bond Street.

The Christmas card was lithographed on stiff cardboard, 5 1/8 by 3 1/4 inches, in dark sepia, with a design of a trellis of rustic-work, in the Germanesque style, divided into a center and two side panels. In the panels were figures representing two of the acts of charity, “feeding the hungry” and “clothing the naked.” In the center is a picture of a merry family party, including three generations, grandparents to grandchildren, quaffing draughts of wine. Below is the greeting, “A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to You.” The card is marked: “Published at Summerly’s Home Treasury Office, 12 Old Bond Street, London.” The price was $1. each.

That was the beginning. The following year there were other picture-makers, and the Christmas card was launched on the tide of popular favor; but it was not until the idea had grown out of favor among artistic and literary circles that it was taken up by a business man, Goodall. Charles Goodall & Son, a British publisher of visiting cards was one of the first to mass produce Christmas cards and visiting cards. In 1866 Mr. Josiah Goodall commissioned Messrs. Marcus Ward & Co., of Belfast, to lithograph, for his firm, a set of four designs by C. H. Bennett, and in the following year another set by the same artist. These, together with Luke Limner’s border design of holly, mistletoe, and robins, may be taken as the forerunners of today’s Christmas card.

The Christmas card publishing industry created unheard of opportunities for artists, writers, printers, and engravers. In 1880 the Christmas card had a new birth, for it was then that a great London firm offered five hundred guineas in prizes for the most artistic designs. Many of the great artists of the day responded with their best ideas. Kate Greenaway, Walter Crane, and Thomas Crane were among the many 19th century artists famous for their greeting card designs. In addition, literary writers saw the opportunity; they gave to the beauty of the painting the music of their words. Many well-known writers were not above this profitable work of creating greeting cards. Thousands of pounds were spent in finding the right poems and suitable Christmas sentiments, until at last these Yuletide offerings reached the climax of their literary and artistic excellence.

An original copy of Horsley’s Christmas card is considered very rare. The Christmas card publishers, Messrs De La Rue, reproduced the original design by chromolithography in 1881; and then copies of this reprint were issued in 1955 and can still be found today.

My Christmas Card design~ 2009

Day 11: Holiday treats #2

Handmade Christmas Card- Design by Me ❤

What a year it has been! (^___^) I am so thankful~ I hope that all of you will have a safe and fun holiday! ♥ I look forward to writing more~



Day 9: “How to make” Post- Involves crafts and fun!

Christmas Crafts are always fun to make! ♥ From candy cane reindeer to marshmallow snowmen. There are so many things to make!

Here are a few to choose from:

*Christmas Tree- Made from paper~ A 3-D model

This christmas tree model looks difficult at first. Once you make a few, it’s quite fun~


*** Keep the colored part of your paper on the outside!

*** Take your time~ You don’t want to accidentally cut out one of your branches

*** Use different colors, patterns, and prints for your paper!

*** Use tape or glue to keep your tree together

*** Add some sparkle and beads to your tree

Paper Christmas Tree (3-D model)

*Snowflakes- The old-fashion paper snowflake!

This model is really neat! It’s really different to the snowflakes I use to make~


*** Make a goal on how many snowflakes you can design~

***Use different ribbons to hang your snowflakes

***Take some food coloring and splatter onto your snowflake

***Use different types of paper! Even foil!

Paper Snowflakes

Paper doll- Christmas Bear

This paper doll is perfect for christmas cards, ornaments, and gift tags.

Paper Evergreens

Tools and Materials

* Adjustable circle cutter
* Green card stock, from
* Bone Folder
* Scissors
* Wooden skewers
* Hot-glue gun
* 1 1/8-inch (for small trees) and 1 15/16-inch (for large trees) wooden spools, by Woodworks, from


Step 1

For large Christmas trees, use an adjustable circle cutter to make 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-inch-diameter circles from green card stock (for small trees, omit the 6-inch circle).

Step 2

Fold each circle in half 4 times with a bone folder. While circles are folded, snip off the tip of each piece, forming a very small hole in center.

Step 3

Place smallest circle on the pointed end of a wooden skewer (we used 12-inch skewers), letting the tip poke through the hole in circle. With a hot-glue gun, dab underside of circle, where paper and skewer meet. Hold for 10 seconds to secure.

Step 4

Working 1 at a time from smallest circle to largest, slide remaining circles onto skewer; secure with glue.

Step 5

Insert bottom of skewer into a spool; remove, and cut skewer to desired height (we cut ours to 6, 9, and 10 inches), keeping in mind that only spool should be visible beneath standing tree. Return skewer to spool; secure with glue. Add a dot of glue to top of skewer, and attach a gold bead.

Lovely crafts for everyone to enjoy! Share with your family and friends~

Next stop~ ♥

Day 10: Christmas Cards

Day 8: Christmas plants: An introduction

There are many traditions associated with the holidays. Many involve plants. Evergreen trees, poinsettias, holly, and mistletoe played important roles in ancient legends and rituals, but have evolved into traditions associated with the Christmas season.

The Christmas Tree

The Christmas tree is a tradition which began in Germany in the seventeenth century. There are several legends concerning the origin of the Christmas tree. Historians do know that the primitive cultures of northern Europe believed that evergreen trees possessed godlike powers. The evergreen tree also symbolized immortality. The Germanic peoples would bring evergreen boughs into their homes during winter to insure the protection of the home and the return of life to the snow-covered forest. As Christianity spread throughout Europe, eventually the evergreen tree was transformed into a Christian symbol.

Some believe the Christmas tree evolved from the Paradise Tree of the Middle Ages. During the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, evergreen trees played an important role in miracle and mystery plays. One such play dramatized the fall of Adam and Eve and was performed on December 24. On stage during the play was a Paradise Tree (an evergreen with red apples hung from its branches).

Others believe that the Christmas tree began in the sixteenth century with Martin Luther. According to the legend, Martin Luther was inspired by the beauty of evergreens one Christmas Eve. He cut down a tree, brought it home, and decorated it with candles.

The first record of a Christmas tree is in Strasburg, Germany in 1604. German immigrants and Hessian soldiers hired by the British to fight the colonists during the American Revolution brought the Christmas tree tradition to the United States.


Lovely Poinsettia

Poinsettias are native to Mexico. They were cultivated by the Aztec Indians. The colorful bracts were used to make a reddish purple dye. The Aztecs also made a fever medicine from the poinsettia’s milky sap.

After the Spanish conquest and the introduction of Christianity, poinsettias began to be used in Christian rituals. Franciscan priests used the poinsettia in their nativity processions.

Poinsettias were first introduced into the United States by Joel Robert Poinsett, the first U.S. Ambassador to Mexico. Poinsett had plants sent to his home in South Carolina. He then distributed plants to horticultural friends and botanical gardens. The Ecke family of California has been instrumental in the development of today’s poinsettia.

Initially poinsettias lasted only a few days in the home. All had red bracts. Today’s varieties are more compact, durable, and long-lasting. Red, pink, white, gold, marbled, and variegated varieties are now available.


Mistletoe is a semi-parasitic plant with small, leathery leaves and small, white berries. Mistletoe plants manufacture their own food, but must obtain water and minerals from the host plant.

American mistletoe (Phoradendron serotinum) can be found growing in deciduous trees from New Jersey and southern Indiana southward to Florida and Texas. It is the state flower of Oklahoma. Mistletoe sold during the holiday season is gathered in the wild. Most mistletoe is harvested in Oklahoma and Texas.

Traditions involving mistletoe date back to ancient times. Druids believed that mistletoe could bestow health and good luck. Welsh farmers associated mistletoe with fertility. A good mistletoe crop foretold a good crop the following season. Mistletoe was also thought to influence human fertility and was prescribed to individuals who had problems bearing children. Mistletoe has also been used in medicine. It has been used as treatment for pleurisy, gout, epilepsy, rabies, and poisoning. Mistletoe also played a role in a superstition concerning marriage. It was believed that kissing under the mistletoe increased the possibility of marriage in the upcoming year.

Although mistletoe has been used in the treatment of several ailments, the berries are poisonous. Individuals using mistletoe during the holiday season should keep the sprigs out of the reach of children. For safety reasons, many companies have replaced the berries with artificial, plastic berries.


Holly was considered sacred by the ancient Romans. Holly was used to honor Saturn, god of agriculture, during their Saturnalia festival held during the winter solstice. The Romans gave one another holly wreaths, carried it in processions, and decked images of Saturn with it. During the early years of the Christian religion in Rome, many Christians continued to deck their homes with holly to avoid detection and persecution by Roman authorities. Gradually, holly became a symbol of Christmas as Christianity became the dominant religion of the empire.


A Great Festive Event

Wassailing is the tradition of going from house to house caroling, eating, drinking, and socializing with friends and relatives. Wassailing, however, was originally an important part of a horticultural ritual. In England, it focused on the apple orchards. The purpose was to salute the trees in the dead of winter to insure a good crop for the coming year. The date varied across the 12 days of Christmas. If done formally, the wassail procession visited the principal orchards of the area, caroling as it went. In each orchard, major trees were selected and cider or liquor was sprinkled over their root systems. Incantations such as (see below) were recited:

Stand fast at root,
Bear well at top,
Every twig bear apple big,
Every bow bear apple now.


Here’s to thee old apple tree,
Hats full, sacks full,
Great bushel baskets full,

To frighten evil spirits away, guns were fired into the air. Before proceeding, the procession usually danced about the honored trees and then snaked its way out of the orchard. The care with which the ceremony had been executed was measured by the crop yield the following year.

As you celebrate this holiday season with friends and relatives, enjoy the Christmas traditions and the ancient rituals and legends associated with them.

A little history to go with your Holiday spirit and festivities~ ♥

Next up:

Day 9: “How to make” Post- Involves crafts and fun!